Start Selling Online

Terms & Conditions

Start Selling Online is an online business that has no public office for physical customer visits. Communications between Start Selling Online and its customers will be primarily via email. Customers have to register a profile with Start Selling Online to do business with Start Selling Online The products and services available from Start Selling Online are all digital, therefore there are no deliveries to be made and customers do not have to update any delivery details in their accounts. All payments for transactions are done via the secure pay gate of PayFast where our customers can pay with their Master or Visa cards, and they can also do instant EFTs with their internet banking details if they do not have cards available for online payments. Products will only be registered and made available after complete and successful payment. Start Selling Online will maintain all products to give our customers the peace of mind and the maximum uptime they need to focus on running their business online. Start Selling Online will communicate any changes and updates to our customers. Prices increase can happen at any time when our suppliers have price increases. The pricing of our products is always available and current on our website. Start Selling Online will send email reminders well in advance to all customers when the expiry date comes closer and products need to be renewed for the next year.